To prevent future confusion: pepero are biscuit/cookie-like sticks covered in chocolate. Look at my stash from the day down below. I was told by Mr. Jang, the second grade teacher at Hyopo Elementary, that Pepero Day was comparable to Thanksgiving Day. At first I thought he was joking, but then I remembered last night...People ransacking GS Market for all the pepero they could get, literally running through the store. I wonder what they stock up on during a natural disaster. Thoughts, anyone? Anyway, this is my new favorite holiday. Yes, it's the only holiday I have experienced here thus far. But, I love chocolate. I love it even more when it's free. And I love it even further when it's personally handed to me with a bow, accompanied by a "Happy Pepero Day!"
-Now, just a quick note on some things I have had, that I think should be public knowledge. I won't even beat around the bush for these...
1. Beetle larvae 번데기, served as a side dish for 삼겹살 one night. It looked like bugs, but I quickly dismissed the idea as absurd. This is the 21st century for typing out loud! We don't eat bugs anymore! That's what they do on Lion King, in Africa, back in the 90s. Long and gone, right? No. Still thriving. Crunchy outer shell, grainy and mushy innards. Sorry Timon, they were slimy, but fa sho were not satisfying.

3. Pig's head, but this was honestly tasty, I just put it on here because of the obscurity. I have never had it before, and I would enjoy it again sometime. It was cut into squares, served cold, eaten with some rice and kimchi.
You have given me some EXCELLENT ideas for modifying some traditional Thanksgiving foods!