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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Kids Are No Match for the Eyebrow

A couple of notes of my youngest young ones...

-Last week, as noted by the previous post, the Superintendent came by for a school visit. The table I usually sit at was full, so I sat over and one table back, level with the first graders a couple tables across. Now, these kids are little monsters in the classroom with no teacher. With the exception of one of the staff's daughter, they know "apple" and the, the gist of the, the tune of the ABC song. It doesn't bother me much, because if they are going to throw 20 kids, some as young as 4, in my room with no teacher, then they can't expect me to do more than babysit them. So I accept it, teach them colors, and ABCs as best as I can, but there's only so much attention they give until all that is heard is their cute little voices. However, out of the classroom, specifically at lunch, is a different scene.  They don't stop staring at me and smiling, waving. Who am I to not return the gesture? But I can't just wave, that's boring. So I start bobbing my right eyebrow (I can only do my right, yes. Trying with the left results in a look similar to Joey from Friends trying to do high school-level math problems in his head------difficult reference, I know), while with my left hand doing a silly clap-wave, like a hand puppeteer with no sock on their hand. This leads the initial kid to hysterics, which in turn leads to a domino effect; one by one the group to watch me repeat my movements grows larger, until the whole 1st grade class is turned, completely disregarding their food, to watch me. Mind you, I did not stop eating or chewing the whole time. I mean, who am I to disappoint the kids? But that doesn't mean I have to forego my stomach's needs in the process. Lunch by the way is spectacular. They want to impress some of the Office of Education's Officers of Education by serving, as the main portion, a slightly spicy mixture of pork, mushrooms, onions, carrots, and some unknowns in a delicious brownish sauce over rice. No complaints there.

-Today, my Kindergartners at my other school were pretty darn cute. As I enter the room, the students rush over yelling !!!영어 선생님 :))-->>!!! English Teacher :)), then immediately sit on my feet, hug my legs, and play tug of war with my arms. There are 11 of them doing this. Have mercy, kids! Thankfully, they know it's just a greeting attack, and back off soon after. At one point, I am down on the floor with them passing out coloring sheets and chanting colors, when one kid climbs on my back to ask me for a piece of paper and a blue crayon. He is so little that I hardly notice him clambering up.... I won't do this, but I really want to see how many of them I can carry at once. I'm thinking 2 on each arm, and 3 on my back??? Maybe on my last day... Anyway, later on at lunch, three of these same kids manage to lock themselves in the lunchroom. No one notices 5 hands pressed up against the door, with 1 other hand straining to turn the handle. Fruitless efforts. They have a high-pitched squeal going on, and it makes me think something disastrous is happening that they must escape from. Attack of the Radioactive Kimchi, maybe. Lucky for them, I was walking up to leave as I saw this, and pried them away gently so I could help them get away from the RK. Republic of Korea. No, wait. Radioactive Kimchi. I'm losing it...

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